Z0r Chess: Commercial game

Z0r Chess

The final wait is over! Z0r Chess is now commercially released by Z0r Games.

Z0r Chess, derived from Uber Chess originally game by NecroSOFT, has gone trough a few changes and bug fixes for the final version. The new version still has the same concept, but more eye candy and more worlds.

There are certain features that you expect, such as a strong but adjustable AIĀ  and wide variety of 3D chess boards. But there are features that are not so common like the announcer telling exactly what’s going on and give the feeling of playing a battle. This is what Z0r Chess separates from other chess games.



– Announcer that give comments
– 3 Different difficulties
– 8 different themes
– Funny / Annoying commentator
– Human vs. human, human vs. cpu, cpu vs. cpu.

Minimal system requirements

– Operating system: WIN 98/ME/2000/XP
– CPU: Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon 1.5GHz or higher
– Memory: 256 MB RAM or greater
– Hard Disk Space: 80 MB
– Audio system: DirectX 8 compatible soundcard
– Video system: DirectX 9 compatible videocard


Orinial game by NecroSOFT
Commercial game and updates by Z0r-Games

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