


First of all: .S.C.A.G. stands for SCrolling Action Game. nothing more, nothing less. This game is powered by the Necro3D game engine. It’s made for the Pascal Game Development Competition, The Big Boss.
We came out second and got 2 award for “most on time” and “Best Music”.
The game has 4 playable levels, 4 weapons and a shopping system to buy weapons and powerups.

Some more information:
The game usesĀ  the old Necro3D Game engine, wich is base on MS DirectX 9. The engine and the game are both programmed in Delphi.

Download Full Version!

.S.C.A.G. demo can be found here (21 MB)

Official .S.C.A.G. demo can be found at z0r games.


Promo movie

Gameplay movie

Bug bugs bugs, I added 2 movies that shows some cool (buggy) effects while I was testing



Programming and game design by
Michiel “Necrodome” Gijbels
Frank “Mad Woody” van Gent
Special thanks
Pascal game development
Jens “Zhooibaal” Waschk

2 thoughts on “.S.C.A.G.

  1. Pingback: Pascal Game Development Competition - NecroSOFT

  2. Pingback: Downloads fixed! | NecroSOFT

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